Pablo SánchezMoins d'une minute de lecture

How controlling your hotel pricing could increase bookings by 34%

In Englishen españolem português.

We are starting a new series of interviews where Trevor Grant, Chief Cheerleader at Revenue Hub, talks to Pablo Sánchez, our Consulting Director.

In the first episode we focus on the importance of controlling your hotel prices and the consequences of not controlling them. 

Pablo outlines how losing control over pricing can result for hoteliers to lose a 34% potential booking increase and also explains the correlation between price competitiveness towards hotel´s distributors and hotel´s website conversion.

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The second episode continues with the importance of controlling your hotel price but, in this case, we focus on the impact of ignoring your hotel price competitiveness and its implactions (short and long term).

Finally Pablo adresses possible remedies, which are not always easy and quick but worth actioning to regaing control and improve sales.

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